A blank canvas with endless possibilities becomes my work surface to push paint around. Whether it be acrylic or oil, I enjoy painting with both equally as much. My paintings usually begin with a color idea, that evolves into a process in which shape becomes a primary factor in the direction of the composition. The attitude of my artwork is a direct representation of my personal feelings, the subject or colors that inspire me, and my materials and various techniques that I choose to use. 

Painting on cotton fabrics, canvas, and leather are the most enjoyable surfaces I have found to work on and with, so far. Working with highly reflective pigments and black-light reactive paint, I am fascinated with how light plays an important role in how the painting changes when the light and the physical relationship between the viewer and the painting changes. Most of my work is about the process and the final product becomes an abstract reflection of my life at the time.

I continue to develop new methods to merge my paintings with my wearable art.  Whether I am painting, creating wearable art, or making a combination of both, I always enjoy being creative.